Welcome to the prefabricated warehouse consultant quoter The Solana system is made up of a precast foundation, metal structure, precast walls and sheets elements, guaranteeing the highest standards of quality, safety and production, delivering each project with unbeatable delivery time and service. Customer Data Applicant's name: Tel/Cel: Email: How did you hear about us? Construction Chamber (CMIC)Project we are buildingAcquaintanceSocial NetworksExpoGoogle How do you prefer that we contact you? WhatsappEmailCall Project General description Depending on the needs of your project, we will recommend the most viable height, the finishes and the most suitable envelope elements for you. If you do not have a project specification, we will advise you! Property location City: Address: Target use of the project: Ship dimensions: Ship area: Do you have an architectural project? YesNo Are there adjoining buildings? YesNo Do you have a soil mechanics study to verify the load capacity of your land? YesNo Will you bring roof elements that project loads to the structure (solar panels, fire fighting system, etc.) YesNo Do you have existing walls? YesNo Will you project have loading platforms? YesNo What height of structure to gutter do you prefer? $ 8.00 meters$$ 9.00 meters$$$ 10.00 meters What height of precast wall do you prefer? $ 4.00 meters$$ 6.00 meters What type of roof sheet do you prefer? $ Picked sheet (2 years warranty)$$ Lime hooked sheet cal.24 (5 years warranty)$$$ Insulated panel (2 years warranty) We recommend you consider acrylic sheet on the roof for the passage of natural light by 10%, on facades painted lime sheet. 26 white color and lime moldings. 26, PVC drops. Soon our advisors will assist you. Building the future of México together.